Reverse grip pulldowns

Chin-bar pulldowns, rowings and sweater: all excellent exercises for the dorsal, but do you find that you're constantly the same movements, week after week? Many of us get bogged down in routine, often without knowing it. We are doing pulldowns followed by rowing sitting and the draw of an arm with dumbbell or rowing at the helm "T". This seems to be a good program for the back, is not it? Well yes and no.

Good reminder for your back muscles

If you consistently follow the same plan, session after session, you will eventually stagnate (sooner than you might think) and you suddenly cease to grow. So what? For thick and wide lats, we must work from different angles. If you do the same workout for a while or if your back-end development stagnated, try adding the pulldowns supine your training to get you back on track. Add exercise quite different is an effective way to prevent and / or out of a phase of stagnation. The vertical circulation is excellent hands supine to expand and broaden the lats. Taking up arms in supination anatomically stronger and less traumatic for the shoulder position. Compared to draw neck whose safety has been questioned by experts in biomechanics, the vertical circulation in supination is a safer choice. In made ​​the real difference for some people is to feel their dorsal contract during training.

Enter a straight bar for vertical drawing hands in supination.
Sit back and firmly engage your thighs under the support of the dorsal pulley.
Pull out the chest, slightly arch your back and lean back a little.
Contract your lats and start pulling the bar to the middle part of the chest, while exhaling.
As the bar down to your chest, push the shoulder blades pulling down also, and contract even your back-end.

Pause at the bottom, keeping the dorsal on, then let the bar slowly return to the starting position (arms fully extended) to stretch your lats, and repeat.

Training Tips
You really focus on technique, representing your hands and arms as hooks for the dorsal muscles that will do most of the work.
Do not use the body to lower the bar.
To request more strongly the dorsal and reduce fatigue forearms, consider using straps to tie you well.

If you do not focus on the muscles you are working, you will eventually feel more burning at the forearm and biceps, which obviously is not the purpose of this 

The Pectoral ones in Bodybuilding

To strengthen its pectoral well !
If you want to develop your chest well, thenlesexercices will have to be privileged made up because they build muscular mass more effectively than the exercises of insulation.

The made up exercises like developed slept or thedips (repulsions with the parallel bars) work severalmuscular groups at the same time and thus make it possible to take heavier.
The developed lying one for example, is an articularmuscle-development exercise poly which requeststhe pectoral ones, the tricepses and the shouldersand can thus make started from your program as abasic exercise.

Anatomy of the pectoral muscles
The pectoral ones are formed by two muscles,the large pectoral one and the small pectoralone.

 The large pectoral one is the large muscle inrange which is on the chest. It fits into the levelof the clavicle, of the sternum and of the coastsand finishes on the humerus (external peak ofthe slide bicipitale). One can divide it into two,the claviculaire part (high of pectoral) and thesternale part (left median and low pectoral). Itsaction is the adduction of the arm (movementwhich brings a member closer to the axis of thebody), the internal rotation of the shoulder andhe is also antepulsor (he involves the armahead). It recovers the small pectoral one.

The small pectoral one is hidden by the large one, itis a small flat, thin muscle in oblique whichleaves downwards. It fits on the coracoïde of thescapula and finishes on coasts 3.4 and 5. Itsaction when the dimensions are fixed is to lowerthe stub of the shoulder and to draw forwardsthe scapula. When the scapula is fixed, itraises the rib cage (breathing).

1- Large pectoral.
2- Small pectoral.
3- Large notched.
4- Brachial Coraco.
5- Former Deltoïde.
6- Triceps.
7- Clavicle.
8- Sternum.
9- Apophysis coracoïde.

Programme of musculation for pectoral
  • Meeting pectoral included in a program fullbodystocking:
You can include the training of pectoral in yourmeeting full bodystocking by using basic exerciseslike developed slept or the dips.
warm-up :

Développé lying or dips: 4 series * 12repetitions

  • Meeting pectoral in a Split program:
8 series with fixed weights and 1 minute 30seconds of rest enters the series. Do not makemore series it is generally the best means of slowing down itsprogression.
warm-up :
Dips with the parallel bars: 4 series * 12 répétitions
Développétilted haltères: 4 series * 12 repetitions

  • Meeting into pyramidal:
The series of muscle-development exercise of thebeginning will enable you to increase the raisedweights gradually and thus to prepare your chestwith heavy work well. To make its series in ofpyramidal makes it possible to work the force as well as the hypertrophy of the muscles (volumeand mass) to see even the endurance if you finishin long series.If your meetings of musculation thepectoral ones are not very frequent you can workuntil the muscular failure (rupture) for the lastseries of the exercises. But attention not to deceive and push all its series with the failurebecause that pumps much the nervous systemand asks for more time of recovery between twomeetings.

1) Developed lying 

  • series 1: 50kg * 15repetitions 
  • series 2: 54kg * 12 repetitions 
  • series 3:58kg * 10 repetitions 
  • series 4: 62kg * 08repetitions
2) Drawn aside lying tilted with the haltères 
  • series1: 12kg * 12 repetitions 
  • series 2: 16kg * 10repetitions 
  • series 3: 18kg * 08 repetitions
  •  series 4:20kg * 06 repetitions

  • Meeting with large volume of training (disadvised tothe beginners):

  1. warm-up: 2 light series 
  2. Developed lying bars: 6series 
  3. Developed Incline dumbbell: 6 series
  4. Dips : 4series
  5.  Isolated lying: 4 series
  6.  Pullover: 3 series

Dangerous exercise: the developed lying one!I will make you morals and will not think that you should not be involved only with developed lying, becauseknow it well to you, all can arrive and you can find yourselves wedged under the bar. At best it will bebreakage or the wound, in the worst case death.Prefer work with the haltères if your bench ofdeveloped lying does not have hooks of security to put back the bar constantly or if nobody canensure you.