Beginners often make the mistake of copying training Champions bodybuilding program or movie stars found in fitness magazines or on the internet.It is natural to think that the program or Arnold Schwarzenegger Ronnie Coleman is at the top as they are extremely muscular, but in most cases these programs do not suit you.They are often lengthy split that contain too many isolations first series of exercises for each muscle group. To give you an example, we can cross sessions for triceps 18 sets! These types of programs are not suitable for beginners, too heavy and too infrequent to grow properly. Instead, they aimed at advanced students, gifted or doped.I'm not saying that you do not will progress with, but it is more suitable for a beginner to make a program that works the whole body during the session and several times a week.Here is the full-body program to gain muscle mass, designed for beginners who work the entire body. Bodybuilding program to make 2 to 3 times per week for 2 or 3 months. Work, either with free weights or machines. Rest time between sets: 1 minute.
SESSION FULL BODY (3x per week)
Développé couché (pectoraux, épaules, triceps)
Echauffement : 2*20 (2 séries légères)
Séries de travail : 4*12 (4 séries de 12 répétitions)
Mouvement alternatif : Dips
Echauffement : 2*20 (2 séries légères)
Séries de travail : 4*12 (4 séries de 12 répétitions)
Mouvement alternatif : Dips
Tractions (dorsaux, biceps)
Echauffement : 1*15
Séries de travail : 4*12
Mouvement alternatif : Tirages devant
Echauffement : 1*15
Séries de travail : 4*12
Mouvement alternatif : Tirages devant
Développé vertical (épaules, triceps)
Echauffement : 1*15
Séries de travail : 4*12
Mouvement alternatif : développé haltères
Echauffement : 1*15
Séries de travail : 4*12
Mouvement alternatif : développé haltères
Squat (cuisses, fessiers, lombaires)
Echauffement : 2*20
Séries de travail : 4*12
Mouvement alternatif : presse à cuisses
Echauffement : 2*20
Séries de travail : 4*12
Mouvement alternatif : presse à cuisses
Crunch (abdominaux)
Séries de travail : 4*20
Séries de travail : 4*20
Note: This weight training program has been tested successfully by many people in the forum and it will give you good results. Rest assured, it contains enough exercises and series, no need to add more. In bodybuilding, it must focus on quality over quantity. Stick to move from one session to another on these basic exercises and the results to date.
You can see that no charge is indicated. You'll start with a load that you have mastered. Then you gradually add weight as and measuring progress.
See bodybuilding methods to know the basics of training (formats, sets, reps, progress and stagnation).
To go further, we recommend reading the bodybuilding program, the result of the work and experience of the members of the forum topic. You will find programs in full-body, semi-full body and split for beginners, intermediate and experienced practitioners, as well as advice on training.
You can see that no charge is indicated. You'll start with a load that you have mastered. Then you gradually add weight as and measuring progress.
See bodybuilding methods to know the basics of training (formats, sets, reps, progress and stagnation).
To go further, we recommend reading the bodybuilding program, the result of the work and experience of the members of the forum topic. You will find programs in full-body, semi-full body and split for beginners, intermediate and experienced practitioners, as well as advice on training.
Power beginner in bodybuilding
We recommend that you read the sections of the site, the foundation of nutrition for bodybuilding, taking mass if you want to gain weight and lose weight and dry if your goal is weight loss. Supplements will not really affect you because as a beginner you will grow tremendously.
We recommend that you read the sections of the site, the foundation of nutrition for bodybuilding, taking mass if you want to gain weight and lose weight and dry if your goal is weight loss. Supplements will not really affect you because as a beginner you will grow tremendously.